How can business CPD help my podiatry practice?

The rules about continuing professional development (CPD) for podiatrists are set out by your country’s regulator. This document sets out the standards that you must meet in order to be registered with a license to practice as a podiatrist. The minimum standard of CPD every period – but it’s important to remember that these are minimum requirements, not maximum ones!

CPD is a legal requirement for podiatrists

You may be wondering why CPD is a legal requirement for podiatrists.

The answer is simple: it’s about keeping up with the latest research and technology, as well as industry standards. In order to provide your patients with the best possible care, you need to make sure that your knowledge and skills are up-to-date.

CPD refreshes your existing skills

CPD refreshes your existing skills and keeps you up to date with the latest research, new technology and best practice. It also provides a framework to develop new skills.

You can choose from a wide range of learning resources including short courses, e-learning training, workshops, and conferences.

The CPD certification system helps you:

  • Keep pace with changes in the profession and the latest developments in podiatry services
  • Develop current knowledge through professional study or update training that has lapsed over time

Podiatry CPD can kick-start your career

CPD has been proven to be of the utmost importance in podiatry practice. It can help you develop skills, build your career and reputation, and make a difference in your community.

CPD is designed to help you learn new skills and develop your knowledge base, as well as provide opportunities for networking with peers. By improving as a professional practitioner and increasing your understanding of the latest treatments and technologies available in podiatry today, you will be able to provide patients with more effective treatment plans that deliver better results.

Business CPD can help you deliver the best care to your patients

Business CPD is the process of learning and developing your business skills.

Business CPD can help you deliver the best care to your patients. It can also help you grow your practice, stay compliant and manage any risks that may be involved in running a business.

The aim of business CPD is to make sure that podiatrists keep up with new developments in their industry, as well as gaining knowledge about the management and leadership skills needed to run a successful practice.

Your CPD requirements are not just about ensuring you stay compliant – they’re also about ensuring that you, and your business, continue to grow.

As a podiatrist, you may be wondering what the benefits of CPD are. What’s in it for me, and my business?

As well as ensuring that you stay compliant with your regulatory body, CPD is also about ensuring that you and your business continue to evolve. With so much change happening in healthcare, it’s important to keep up with new technologies and treatments; new regulations; new business practices; and new skills. It will also ensure that your knowledge stays up-to-date on all aspects of podiatry which impact your client’s health.


These are just some of the ways in which CPD can benefit your podiatry practice. If you’re ready to get started, make sure you check out our list of recommended business CPD courses and sign up today.

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