Basic Life Support and Anaphylaxis Training


The course content introduces the medical background behind emergencies while focusing on the practical elements of what to do in an emergency. The aim is not only to ensure that you are familiar with the correct methods, but also to raise your awareness of the challenges or obstructions you might face, as well as demonstrating some of the extra apparatus that might be available.

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A partnership between Osgo and Matt Orr Medical Training, who have come together to provide a duo of courses on Basic Life Support and Anaphylaxis.

The course content introduces the medical background behind emergencies while focusing on the practical elements of what to do in an emergency. The aim is not only to ensure that you are familiar with the correct methods, but also to raise your awareness of the challenges or obstructions you might face, as well as demonstrating some of the extra apparatus that might be available.

Children can fall into emergency situations too, and the course will ensure that you are equipped with the extra knowledge to be able to help, whatever their age.

Key points

  • Modular-based with concise videos for easy learning
  • Key notes section summarising the video content and providing further info
  • Demonstrations of any equipment you might use
  • Covers how to deal with emergencies involving adults, children and babies
  • Opportunity to put your new skills into practice at the Foot and Ankle Show in a supportive environment
  • Free anaphylaxis course included

Course style: Online with a practical session at the Foot and Ankle Session. Price includes both courses and practical session at the Foot and Ankle Show. You must have a valid ticket at the Foot and Ankle Show to attend the practical session. Licence agreed for 12 months. One purchase for one learner.

To access the course once purchased, please head to your account page and click “My Courses”.

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