How can change management CPD improve my podiatry practice?

Change management is an essential component of growing a business. Change is an inevitable part of life and an essential component of growing a business. According to the American Psychological Association, change management is defined as “a structured approach to shifting/transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state.” A dynamic change management strategy considers all aspects of the business in order to ensure employees are prepared and receptive to change. When introducing new technology, it is essential for podiatry practices to address any potential challenges head-on so that staff can adjust more easily. While it requires additional effort upfront, developing a solid change management strategy can result in improved performance, decreased costs, and better patient care in the long run

Change is an inevitable part of life and an essential component of growing a business.

Change is an inevitable part of life and an essential component of growing a business. Change can be positive or negative, but it is always necessary for survival.

Change is a natural part of the cycle of growth, development, and decay that occurs in nature.

In business terms, change management is the process by which organizations manage changes in structure, systems, or processes to achieve desired results while minimizing resistance from employees who may be affected by these changes.

According to the American Psychological Association, change management is defined as “a structured approach to shifting/transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state.”

According to the American Psychological Association, change management is defined as “a structured approach to shifting/transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state.” In other words, it’s not just about the business in general but also the individual needs of employees.

Change management can be applied to any situation where there may be resistance or confusion about how or why something should occur. It involves identifying what needs changing and who has input into that change. It also looks at how people will react once they’ve adapted to their new surroundings: do they feel supported? Are they aware that their feedback matters? How are they feeling now? What has changed for them personally since this process began (e.g., increased confidence)?

A dynamic change management strategy considers all aspects of the business in order to ensure employees are prepared and receptive to change.

An effective change management strategy considers all aspects of your business. It doesn’t just focus on the needs of the business as a whole, or the individual needs of employees. A dynamic change management strategy takes into account the impact each person has on the rest of the team, and how they interact with one another and their colleagues to achieve goals.

One way you can do this is by creating a matrix that identifies which factors are most important for each employee’s personal growth, development and performance. This will help identify areas where people need more support in order to adapt successfully to changes taking place within your podiatry practice.

When introducing new technology, it is essential for podiatry practices to address any potential challenges head-on so that staff can adjust more easily.

  • When introducing new technology, it is essential for podiatry practices to address any potential challenges head-on so that staff can adjust more easily.
  • Challenges can be addressed in a number of ways, including:
  • Educating staff about the benefits of the new software or hardware. This allows them to better understand why a change is beneficial and why they should get on board with it.
  • They are giving staff time to learn how to use the new equipment and processes in their daily workflows. This allows employees ample time for training sessions, as well as an opportunity for hands-on practice with colleagues who have already learned how the system works.

While it requires additional effort upfront, developing a solid change management strategy can result in improved performance, decreased costs and better patient care in the long run.

A change management strategy is an essential element of any successful change process. Change can be a stressful experience, and without a plan to deal with potential challenges, you may encounter resistance from employees.

Having a strategy in place will reduce the negative impacts of change by ensuring that everyone understands what’s happening and why it’s happening. It also helps you identify areas where you need more information or support, so you can make adjustments to your plan as necessary.

The first step toward developing a solid change management strategy is deciding what kind of changes are needed in your practice or organization (or both). Once those have been identified, it’s time for planning!

Change management caters to human needs by considering not just the business in general but also the individual needs of employees.

Change management caters to human needs by considering not just the business in general but also the individual needs of employees. It’s about understanding that each person is different, with their own skills and capabilities, as well as their own circumstances outside of work.

It’s a process rather than an event, so it requires attention and patience—but also an awareness that good change takes time. As one manager put it: “It’s not how quickly you turn things around; it’s how successfully you manage the process.”


Convinced that change management is right for you? We hope so! Change management can help your business succeed by improving performance, decreasing costs, and improving patient care. By implementing a change management strategy that considers all aspects of your practice—including employees’ needs—you will be able to successfully implement new technology without sacrificing quality or efficiency.

You can access our change management course here, important CPD for podiatrists

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